I love, love, love sweets and not being able to eat them while avoiding sugar is VERY hard for me. I was craving something sweet today and tried to think of what I could have that fit into the anti candida diet guidelines. The other day I came across a recipe for a brown sugar substitute. Since it's pretty much pointless for me to browse dessert recipes, which is what I spend a lot of my internet time doing, I have been on a mission to look for sweets suitable for candida dieters. The recipe consists of yacon syrup and xylitol. I cut the recipe in half and added a few drops of stevia and some madagascar vanilla powder. You mix all of the ingredients until it looks like brown sugar.
I recently found yacon syrup at Whole Foods. I've also purchased it from therawfoodworld.com. This is an awesome raw food website. The husband and wife owners are very nice people. They offer a wide variety of raw vegan snacks, bulk products, books, and more.
For my sweet treat I spread almond butter and coconut oil on a rice cake and topped with my faux brown sugar and cacao nibs. It was delicious.